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z3rOR0ne , avatar

Ever since bypass paywalls started getting hit and miss, I've been pasting this into my Ublock Origin Filter list. Works well from what I've seen.

jjlinux , (edited )

Lines 52 and 94 have errors and UBO will not save the list because of that.

Edit: Never mind, I was setting it up in "My Filters" tab instead of adding the RAW URL to my custom filter list. Now I was able to add it, taking it for a spin, see if it actually works.


Edit 2: It actually works. Thanks o much.

Sunny , avatar

How did you do it? I'm getting this error, not sure if its supposed to be like that or not?

jjlinux ,

Open your Ublock Origin add-on Dashboard,
go to the "Filter List" tab at the top (right next to Settings".

Then scroll down to the bottom where it says "Import", and enter this URL:

Click "Apply changes" at the top left, and it will show at the "Custom" filter list.

Sunny , avatar

Thanks a bunch! I had the wrong link inserted :P

GeantJaune ,

@jjlinux thank you.
juste 1 question : did i need to update this list or is it an auto-update?

jjlinux ,

Unblock will look for updates every so often and update it if there's any change to the file in the git.

cyberwolfie ,

This is great, thanks for the link!

Many of the entries seem very simple - anyone know if it is easy to locate the elements that need to be filtered to create your own entries? Would love to add some more newspapers in my country not found in that list.

z3rOR0ne , avatar

You're welcome.

In regards to which elements to pick out, I wouldn't know what to tell you other than monitor the Network tab in the browser's devtools and block one by one until it works? Other than that perhaps reach out to someone more experienced at generating these filter lists (like the Dev of the linked repo) and see how they go about it.

Cheers and good luck!

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