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GolfNovemberUniform ,

Just download Balena Etcher (it's the easiest USB flashing tool), flash a Linux Mint .iso file to a flash drive using it and boot from it like you do with Windows installers. Unlike Windows, Linux can work in "demo mode" straight from the USB without installing to the hard drive. It may be slow in this mode but it should give you an idea of how Linux looks and feels. If you like it, double click the "Install Linux Mint" button in the top left corner and proceed with installation. Other distros usually have the installation icon on the same place or somewhere in the "Start menu" so you shouldn't have hard times finding it in case you decide to try another distro

boredsquirrel ,

On Windows, Rufus is better. On Linux, use Impression Flatpak, or the KDE IsoWriter, or FedoraMediaWriter, all better than BalenaEtcher.

GolfNovemberUniform , (edited )

Rufus has much more than 3 buttons and Etcher worked fine for me

boredsquirrel ,

Its an electron app and has ads. But for sure it works.

Fedora media writer also has only a few buttons and has mac and windows versions too.

GolfNovemberUniform ,

Absolute beginners shouldn't worry about electron too much imo.

Unfortunately I couldn't properly try Fedora media writer because the iso download speed with it was at like 300 kb/s so I can't say anything about it.

boredsquirrel ,

Just download the iso from your browser? Strange bug though.

Para_lyzed ,

Strange that the download limit was so slow, I've never had that happen. You can download ISOs from a browser to use in the utility, however, and Fedora has done a good job of simplifying it down to a fairly identical user experience as Etcher

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