possiblylinux127 ,
@possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

He seems to be a character

endhits ,

Disagree with his politics, but otherwise based.

Franzia ,

Super glad to hear from him. Leftist here, in love with politics. Don’t mind hearing about anyone’s political views.

Justchilling ,

I see everyone talk about his politics but what do you expect the man to do. Not stand up for his ideological support for FOSS technology and not talk about radical new technology such as the 3D printing of guns?

Justchilling ,

It feel’s like being a genuine human being is enough to throw people off nowadays. It’s not like he’s a grifter, he has given critique on right wing social media, the “freedomphone” and republican legislation regarding tech.

settinmoon ,
@settinmoon@lemmy.ml avatar

Informative tech content. I’m right leaning but more towards the center so I don’t agree with everything he says politically speaking, but I have no issues viewing his content since at the end of the day he’s still libertarian and anti-establishment. I also have no problems holding conversations with the anarcho socialists on lemmy, because at the end of the day they’re also not advocating for more control over my life, we just have disagreements on the technical details of how society should work.

duplexsystem ,

Holy shit as a socialist this is the most grounded and respectable take I have ever seen.

terminhell ,

Overall, Based.

Noctechnical ,

based.win reference?

terminhell ,


smileyhead ,

I really liked watching him at my beginnings with privacy and Linux, but now all things he talk about I already know earlier from Lemmy and Mastodon.

0x0 ,

Tech content is passable, wish he’d stick to that. Been losing points with politics, cheap merch and lazying out with what basically amounts to reaction videos.

Any other recommendations for tech content? Seytonic and The new oil are nice.

turbowafflz ,

Brodie Robertson and The Linux Experiment are probably my favorites for non-vintage tech content

zhenyapav ,

Unfathomably based.

Bandicoot_Academic ,

I used to like his content and his videos got me into linux but i feel that his newer videos have a lot more politics compared to the older ones and i very much disagree with most of his political views i don’t realy watch him anymore

WeLoveCastingSpellz ,

His political stance is garbage but has some usefull videos llike degoogling lineageos

MigratingtoLemmy ,

I liked his privacy content when I came across his videos. I do not look at political affiliations in tech.

Ironfist ,
@Ironfist@sh.itjust.works avatar

Anything with pepe the frog or anime in the thumbnails or anybody that says “based” is not worth it in my opinion.

Gush ,
@Gush@lemmy.ml avatar

Well he’s kinda ironic about that

sorrybookbroke ,
@sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, nah, I don’t think that’s true my dude. I’ve heard his opinions on the gay agenda, 5g, trans people, and ‘cultural marxism’ being taught in our schools. I think it’s just as serious as the place he gets alot of his views, the image boards we all know. It’s the same irony you see on 4chan

Gush ,
@Gush@lemmy.ml avatar

I don’t know since i’ve never visited 4chan

adam ,

When did he ever talk about those things? Did I miss something?

sorrybookbroke , (edited )
@sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.works avatar

You can watch the podcast, or longer form political videos, that lukesmith does where he goes onbut he also peppers it into his videos every so often. I haven’t watched in a while, so maybe he’s calmed down a bit, but he seems to do this more frequently around major events

Franzia ,

Oh shit fr? 😬

megaman , (edited )

I disagree with his right-wing libertarianism, as many have said. I found him when i was getting into tech privacy stuff and watched it, then youtube started giving me more of the harder weirdos who were a little more fashy. I dont think Mental Outlaw is a facist, dont get me wrong - but the youtube algorithm may send you that direction.

I think his older stuff was better and just had more content in each video. More recent videos (last 6-12 months?) it seems like he’s got two news articles he reads but then he just goes on big tangents to fill space.

squid ,

I agree, come of as an american libertarian, but at least he’s not on the weirder side of the political ideology with age of consent (from my limited knowledge of him)

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