pewgar_seemsimandroid ,

pixel 7a running calyx os

S13Ni ,

Got myself a fairphone 4 last year and I try to use it as long as possible.

Charcoal8645 , avatar

Same thing I did, but with a S22

appel , avatar

Oh no people aren’t buying their magical glass rectangles to suck themselves into social media (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Freedom ,

You telling me you AREN’T buying the heckin $2,000 foldable phones each year?

shortwavesurfer ,

I just replaced mine but only because my charger port was dying. If that had not happened i had planned to replace it at about this time next year. If it had made it the device would have been 3.5 years old. As is it only got 2.5 years which annoyed me a lot. It was still perfectly fine on software, but the hardware failed me. This phone doesn’t, but i would like my next phone to have wireless charging to avoid a repeat. I may have just gotten unlucky though as i have never ever had a charge port die until that one.

IronRain ,

I said it before and I’ll happily say it again. Removing hardware features while increasing prices will always cause stagnation down the road. When software features, camera bumps, and folding screens are all you have to offer, people will just keep their phones longer and use a $3 app to fill in the missing “feature” on One UI 6, Pixel’s exclusive feature drops, or even Apple’s Dynamic Island.

Auli ,

Or you know it could be cost of living going up so people have less disposable income.

NightOwl ,

Looks like people have reached a point where the increased prices of phones has made them more price sensitive to replacing it for a newer model. Bet they’ll raise the price again.

Zeroxxx ,

I bought Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra for 1100 USD. Sure as hell will I use this for 5 years not just 1 or 2. Ain’t gonna let myself getting robbed.

dotdotdot ,

I am still using my 5 year old phone, which is running just fine

ijeff Mod , avatar

Which phone is that?

dotdotdot ,

The legendary POCO F1

masterairmagic ,

4 years and running for me

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