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YSK: You should dry off beef before cooking. Doing so promotes the Maillard Reaction, which will make the meat taste and look better. ( )

Why YSK: When you cook meat, any water on the surface must first evaporate before much browning can occur. You want to get as much of a Maillard reaction as possible in the limited cooking time you have before the meat reaches the correct internal temperature. Removing the moisture first means that the heat of the cooking...

YSK there are sites that offer you a temporary email address for signing up for services that require one (like some Lemmy servers)

They work by giving you a random email address that is available for a short time (ex. 10min) and an inbox for any messages you recieve during that time (ex. an email verification message from a Lemmy server)...

YSK: wefwef is a web app that look very similar to Apollo and works on both android and ios ( )

Why YSK: looks very similar and functions like Apollo, if you’re used to Apollo that’s a great app for you, even if you do not, it’s still one of the best apps for lemmy You can install the web app here: or just use it on your browser here

YSK: Keeping your accounts/online identity safe in the age of the fediverse/federated networks

As more people flock over to the fediverse from reddit, twitter and other centralised proprietary networks it is important that you keep your e-mail and other important accounts safe from hijacking attempts. Since anyone can simply spin up an instance and host users and communities it is important that you don’t divulge your...

YSK: Commas can be used in phone numbers to automatically input automated menu options

For instance, I’m on Jury Duty in the US this week. Kinda a freebie but I still have to call in and input my “ID” number, birthday, and zip code before entering phone tree options to hear my summons status. So I saved a contact in my phone for the jury hotline with the main number, my Id number, birthday, zip code, and...

YSK: There is an old.reddit interface for lemmy on a site called (as well as

Why YSK: Because some people may want to use old reddit’s interface and might be used to it’s look. To choose the instance, put a /[instance name] after that url, or use the option given by the site itself...

YSK: Hitting submit more than once will post your comment/thread multiple times, even with the lag

With the sluggishness of the site these last few days you can sometimes get slowness or infinitely loading icon when hitting submit. If you aren’t sure if your post submitted, refresh the original page in a different tab before hitting submit again to see if it went through. I see double and triple posts in almost every...

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