custom_situation ,

yaaaaarrr tis cheaper than eva matey

rjs001 , avatar

Nah, streaming is still completely free

ferralcat ,

Hotstar disney+ is still $20 a year here in se Asia. Netflix starts at $5/month ($3 for mobile only). Im super curious if these prices ever hit us. I have a feeling they’d just kill the services if they did.

randromeda ,

In India those prices are still “expensive” for the average person. India and SE Asia are a huge cash cow so I doubt they’ll increase prices right away since they’re still trying to bring more users in, but eventually I’m sure prices go up there too.

sirico , avatar

They pushed the boundaries people paid up so here we go keep paying

The_Grinch ,

They want >$100 a month to come out with maybe one movie and maybe two TV shows worth watching each year? No thanks, piracy for me has become more of a means to assuage my fear of missing out and keeping in touch with the cultural moment than actual enjoyment of the media they’re putting out right now.

I do not believe the quality would go down if their budgets were cut significantly.

June ,

I’m back on the high seas, but I’m worried about my ability to discover new shit or when stuff comes back. I’ve relied on my Apple TV to let me know when new seasons start for so long that I no longer have tools to keep track of shit. I literally forget the things I watch between seasons.

Squirrel_Patrol ,

I use a notion database to track all the shows I’m watching. Mainly because I have ADHD but it might be useful

June ,

Also ADHD, but in the way that systems like that don’t work for me. I’m wholly incapable of keeping up with them and they sap me of all my energy.

Broccoli , avatar

Just use seriesguide, simple solution.

Diasl ,

Look up guides for radarr and sonarr and associated rr’s. They can do the heavy lifting for you.

freeman ,

Yep. They just pull things you monitor as they show up in your feeds (in my case Usenet newsgroup indexes)

For example. My wife like Billions, new episode/season came out and it jus popped up in my plex server the other day

cephus ,

This site used to be pretty good for tracking shows. No idea if it still is any good tho.

heird ,

Paid Plex shares are the way to go

TechnoBabble ,

Plex shares (I actually use an Emby share) are what streaming should have been after cable.

It’s the perfect service, everything all in one spot for a reasonable fee.

I’d pay up to $100 a month for that legally, but instead the studios want to bleed me dry.

So they get nothing.

datonex ,

I use emby too and love it. All content played though emby was downloaded. Is this how you are using emby or so you subscribe to some service for streaming?

inpotheenveritas ,

After seeing this many "arr"s here, I just letting y’all in the comments know that 1) you’re my peeps 2) you’re feckin beautiful 3) I stay seeding for you <3

Draegur ,

The era of piracy has returned. 🏴‍☠️

Oderus , avatar

It never really left… arrrrr.

SanndyTheManndy , avatar

arrr, matey

fraxix ,

Arr, Sonarr, Radarr, Readarr,…

inpotheenveritas ,

Is it just me, or have tpb & mirrors gotten EXTRA cancer-y lately

RandomlyAssigned ,

Rising prices is just the first stage of enshittification

GivingEuropeASpook , avatar

Not sure what the angle of the article is (commenting before reading), but before we even get to the cost of individual services, I became disillusioned with streaming after Final Space was obliterated from existence for a tax write-off, and then hearing about what Disney pulled with Willow, and most recently the un-ordering of a whole second season of Star Trek Prodigy.

June ,

What happened with Willow?

xX_fnord_Xx ,

Cancelled the series after one season. Damn shame because it showed promise and it was fun to return to the world of Willow.

It probably didn’t have the huge ratings investors were hoping for, so it got the axe before it even had a chance.

HawlSera ,

And that’s why I use the questionably legal streaming sites… at this point I have been radicalized enough to find copyright an offensive premise

LateSilver ,

I got there about 10 years ago, a little after I graduated High School. I realized copyright was stupid before I ever really learned what capitalism is.

ElChapoDeChapo , avatar
beanz00_ , avatar

🎶do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!🎶

o_0 , avatar

The era of Free Streaming has just begun

OskarAxolotl ,

The renaissance of free streaming.

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