LinkedIn verification concerns

I have a LinkedIn account which is

  • 5 years old.
  • both SMS and Gmail verified (via code).
  • all information filled (experience, personal, jobs, profile photo etc).
  • all information are real.
  • I logged-in million times to account from my home (without virtual-private-network).
  • My account is cached by Google.

The Gmail account which verified by LinkedIn:

  • I also have buy with my personal credit card a google-service (its not important which service).
  • my phone number and Gmail is already verified by my government's national-digital-system (I am legally the responsible of this gmail and mobile number).

Depending on the above information

  • A- I think my account is already linked with me by big-brothers.
  • B- If something bad happens legally, I can never say that "this account does not belong to me". I already talked this topic with different lawyers.

Therefore I don't see any reason to do not verify the account.

My questions

I would like to hear your thoughts about below questions:

  • 1- should I have privacy concerns if I verify my account via national-identity card?
  • 2- should I have privacy concerns if I verify only "workplace verification". Because it only sends a code to my company email. No identity card needed. No additional steps.
vk6flab , avatar

The only reason that LinkedIn is doing this is money. Not yours, theirs.

By jumping through the hoops, you prove that you are you and suddenly your data is more valuable to people marketing on the platform.

Remember, LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft.

firefly , avatar


You could ditch gmail and run your own VPS with a mail server and website and move your Linkedin CV data to your own site.

All surveillance problems solved for about $50 per year.

AnAnonymous ,

What you mean by 'big-brothers", intelligence agencies? Or corporations? Or what exactly?

jack_william OP ,

you know... any kind of big authority... any kind of advertising company...

supes ,

There is also no reason to go through the verification process on LinkedIn. It doesn't gain you anything and no one actually cares about that banner or check or whatever they want to do. It doesn't help in any way. It's just giving them even more info than they already have, which is why I decoded against doing it on my account.

growsomethinggood ,

It also normalizes the practice, the more people do it for just that shiny checkmark. Unless you are legit a public figure who could be impersonated, it's actively detrimental to everyone else's privacy to get verified.

pdxfed ,

I saw a fucking ad on my profile "those who verify their identity get 70% more views"...than fucking what after 2 weeks? A data company but their marketing is done by the spice girls

jack_william OP ,

For a regular personal the "those who verify their identity get 70% more views" is important. As you know, on the real world, marketing yourself is more important than your technical knowledge. The only reason to validate the account is this. Especially when you search a job, this verification will help, even if only a little bit.

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