sabreW4K3 , avatar

Strong traction from whom?

snooggums , avatar


BeigeAgenda , avatar

Yes most likely, they don't use YouTube anyway, too busy watching Mandingo fights.

Anticorp ,


unexposedhazard , (edited )

Strong traction on the tires that will run over the heads of Youtube HQ people maybe. But other than that i dont see any traction.

darthelmet ,

Ah yes, because what I want when I tell my computer to stop playing audio and video is for YouTube to play some audio and video of some random thing I didn’t ask for at like 3x the volume of the video I just paused. Thanks google. Such an innovative company!

Anticorp ,

Didn't you hear? There was strong traction in the tests. They know what's best for you. Shhhh

lorkano ,

Traction = how many views and clicks ads got. Such a useful traction for users

picnicolas ,

The clicks are all “oh god oh god make it stop” clicks but no matter to them.

Hazzia ,

"Research Results: showing people more ads gets us more ad views. Conclusion: We need to show people MORE ADS"

possiblylinux127 , avatar

It wouldn't be that bad if it played muted. Then again I haven't watched ads in a long time

Perfide ,

If it takes over the video it would be. I pause YT videos all the time to read something that didn't stay on screen long enough.

darthelmet ,

Oh yeah that too. It’s bad enough when YT does the thing where it pulls up suggested videos when you pause.

jjlinux ,

Yup. Same here. Anyway, Tubular is a nice app.

grue ,

Yeah, and I definitely never pause a video because I want to look more closely at the frame I paused it at. Obviously, covering it over with something different is exactly what I was hoping for!

mortemtyrannis ,

Jump scare advertising.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Oh, and no youtuber would ever say anything like “pause the video here if you need more time to read the details” and nobody ever adds any single frame easter eggs in their videos either.

lorkano ,

I assume those don't have any sound but it's still annoying af. Sometimes I just pause to see something. Hopefully adblocks will be able to handle this.

kameecoding ,

Its gonna work on a lot of people, rest will install addins that when pause the video also muted the tab

ashok36 ,

Pausing just brings up a sidebar with a static image ad. Maybe they change that to audio amd/or video in the future but right now you just seem uninformed and reflexively hostile. Maybe like, experience what they're doing before judging? Or at least before commenting...

darthelmet , (edited )

I already adblock. For a good reason. The ads only get worse. I'd be surprised if it didn't turn into that after some time. It's not an unreasonable assumption.

ashok36 ,

Why would you even assume? The info is in the linked article. Point being, if you'd read the article you wouldn't need to make assumptions.

YouTube started testing pause ads last year, as reported by Adweek. These ads will pop up as banners around the video and can be removed by hitting the “dismiss” button. They’re going to be pretty similar to the pause ads that Hulu introduced back in 2019.

darthelmet ,

Idk, because it’s a joke and I’m not really that invested in the specifics of the latest ad garbage a tech company is pushing? Ads expand to fill all available space. If it can eventually become a video ad, it will. Just give it time. These things never go in the other direction.

ashok36 ,

The back pedaling has reached the "it was a joke. I was only pretending to be wrong" stage. What comes next?

Just admit you spoke without knowledge and try to do better in the future. It's not that hard.

darthelmet ,

...Except you knew it was sarcasm. Hence why you made your comment in the first place. Unless you thought I was earnestly praising Google for making new ads?

Turd_Ferg OP , avatar

Their strategy to combat ad blockers is to add more ads. Logic becomes irrelevant when youre surrounded with a cloud of greed. Ublock ftw.

qwertyqwertyqwerty ,

Just imagine what a website like YT would look like in 2035 without any ad blockers.

rockSlayer ,

please drink verification can to continue

casmael ,

please wipe with verification toilet paper to continue

Scurouno ,

Why even show content? It's the ads that people are actually here for! Can you imagine the audacity of people, wanting a little creative content amongst our cloud of vapid, capitalistic hawking.

Turd_Ferg OP , (edited ) avatar
zurohki ,
jkrtn ,

Nothing is overlaid directly on top of the content.

mihor , avatar

Sadly it looks to me a much better experience than the current state of the ad space...

Turd_Ferg OP , avatar
RustyShackleford , avatar

By then, I’m sure they’ll be trying to have a death sentence implemented for anyone using an adblocker.

Marin_Rider ,

probably like other social media today. you don't see anything you actually want to see at all, just ads, sponsored videos and stuff you didn't search for that autoplays amd takes up the screen no matter what tab you are using

parpol ,

My guess is they've been planning this for a while and had to combat the adblockers and third party scrapers first.

Dexx1s ,

Most definitely. They were complaining about them not making a profit, and they really thought blaming the few people using an Adblock made sense.

It's all to get more Premium subscriptions. The ads are an intentional problem with the "obvious solution" being advertised right there on the homepage.

Perfide ,

Jokes on them, ublock origin still works just fine for me.

kionite231 ,

For now. YouTube can make it not work whenever they want by implementing something like WEI. I wonder why they are afraid of doing so.

mihor , avatar

They're playing the long game here. First they assimilated browser space with Chrome, then they disabled manifest v2, and the next step will probably be some reincarnation of WEI just like you said, in order to close down the open internet for good.

If you look at the state of the web right now, most of the interactions and traffic go through the dedicated apps of the big tech (spyware, basically) who are vendor-locking the experience. I figure it will divide the web even further into two entities, one being the addictive big-tech apartheid spyware gardens, and the other being the free fediverse-like FOSS-natured web for privacy and tech enthusiasts, with severely limited interaction between the two. I'll always choose the latter, thank you very much.

lorkano ,

But ublock won the fight soo we are good

rtxn ,

Let me guess -- in addition to the existing midrolls.

I wish nothing but financial ruin and misery on Google.

Anticorp ,

They managed to go from the most popular and well liked company in the world, to a company that everyone despises, all within the span of a decade.

Albbi ,

Hrm, Sundar Pichai took over as CEO 9 years ago. Weird coincidence.

Anticorp ,

That dude is a racist, fascist, power-hungry, psychopath.

mihor , avatar

He's the bastard that ran the Chrome project!

stoy ,

Hey, Alphabet!

Want to know how to make a lot more money while being seen as the good guy at the same time?

Lower the price of youtube premium by at least 30%

You will still earn way more money from a premium user than a free user, while not being a dick.

150sek/month is too much, get to down to 100sek/month and I'll gladly pay.

You'll get a shittonne more paying customers at the same time.

Zagorath , avatar

Gonna be honest, there's no price I'd be willing to pay for YouTube Premium.

I used to pay for YouTube Red. I didn't cancel it because it was too expensive, I cancelled it in retaliation for all the other shitty things YouTube has been doing. If YouTube wants me to return as a paying member, they need to reinstate the ability for small accounts to monetise their YouTube accounts; they need to stop demonetising/restricting educational content that might be related to war, weapons, sex, or sexuality; and they need to change their copyright policy to make it much, much harder to abuse false claims.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Or maybe just have a usable UI

SuperSpruce ,

Hey, Alphabet!

Want to know how to make a lot more money while being seen as the good guy at the same time, while not even lowering prices or adding costs?

Allow third party apps for premium users that can disable the BS

You will still earn the same amount of money from both free and premium users, while not being a dick. In fact, third party developers would be doing the work for you!

Additionally, having apps that can lower the engagement BS reduces your bandwidth costs!

You'll get a crap ton more paying customers at the same time. I'd even become one.

DuckGuy , avatar

YouTube's pricing is a mess. Here's a quick breakdown of their offer here in France :

  • YouTube Premium (so video + music): 12€/m

  • YouTube Music Premium (music only, obviously): 10€/m

One would assume based on this that Google values YouTube at only 2€/m per user. But anyway, let's take a look at their family plans for a laugh:

  • YouTube Premium (6 users): 18€/m

  • YouTube Music Premium (6 users still): 15€/m

Let's put aside the price discrepancy. 18/6 = 3€/m per user. All signs point to Google being ok with making between 2 and 3€ per user per month, yet such an offer doesn't exist. Hell, make it 4€, even. People would flock to it. But no, they're just being greedy.

Psychodelic ,

Yeah I pay a buddy 8 every 2 months for music+no ads (+all the other stuff)

It's definitely worth it for me but it's definitely a fucked up pricing model for single users. There should be a sub or something for people to link up 6 people so they can all save monies

Observer1199 ,

There should be a sub or something for people to link up 6 people so they can all save monies

That's exactly what they don't want though. I wouldn't say they'll never offer that but if they did it would be short term until they have enough marker share and the they'll do what Netflix did. Google (or insert prettyuch any company here) doesn't want you to save money, they want as much of it as they can get.

lorkano ,

They are not OK with 2 euro per user. This is just to get people used to using paid versions for dirt cheap before they accumulate solid subscription count. After they they will either remove this family plan or make it more restrictive/expensive just like Netflix started to do

Hubbubbub ,

I'm getting strong traction to finally get around installing pihole.

sabreW4K3 , avatar

Doesn't work for YouTube adverts 😭

Katzastrophe ,

Ublock and Sponsorblock on PC and ReVanced with Sponsorblock on Android

AtariDump ,

And on iOS?

DuckGuy , avatar

Sideload uYou+ or set up Yattee. If you don't know how to do any of those things, look into DNS based ad-filtering like ControlD and install Video Lite. Or skip the DNS part and only install Video Lite, but you'll see in-app ads unless you pay the $12/y subscription.

AtariDump ,


So many times people say what to do for android but act like iOS doesn’t exist.

growsomethinggood ,

Add SmartTube for androidTV and you're set!

jonwyattphillips ,

I haven't seen youtube ads in years.
uBlock and sponsorblock extension in Firefox on my laptop.
Newpipe with sponsorblock on my phone.

lorkano ,

I wouldn't survive using internet without those and gdpr, cookie blockers. It's soooo bad and getting worse.

AtariDump ,

You should, but it sadly doesn’t work for most video streaming sites.

Shout out to the PiHole team; miss you guys here on the fediverse!

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

You should, but it specifically doesn’t work for YouTube. PiHole works by blocking DNS requests to known ad servers. But YouTube hosts their own ads on the same servers that host the videos. So if your pihole blocks the ads, it also blocks the videos you’re trying to watch.

MigratingtoLemmy ,

UBlock origin advanced mode blocking most JS + NoScript blocking functions of certain JS functions. Easy

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Don't use YouTube if you like privacy

kionite231 ,

Or use some frontends like invidious or piped.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

That's what I use

Nobody ,

A reminder to close the app that also reminds you how much you hate Google.

moosetwin , avatar

I hope this doesn't become one of youtube's "experiments" that quickly become forced on you

mihor , avatar

That would likely trigger some sort of 'protection' and they would d̶e̶m̶o̶n̶e̶t̶i̶z̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ steal your ad revenue.

namingthingsiseasy ,

Honest question here: what would stop me from starting a video, then pausing it and walking away from my computer for several hours so youtube plays ads to no one?

Now repeat but with several tabs.

And bonus points if the videos simply happen to be mine and I were to enable monetization on them.


delirious_owl , (edited ) avatar

Omg I pause videos so I can see a frame better. It's* bad enough that they throw content up on the screen when pause.

Pausing is me showing intent interest, not me saying "I want to watch something else" smh

itsnotits ,

It's* bad enough

frozenicecube , avatar

It's no tits? That sounds terrible

drphungky ,

I just got one of these the other day. I picked up an Nvidia Shield because I was tired of my shitty Samsung TV not being able to stream Plex correctly and Google is the only data devil I've made a deal with. I hadn't watched much YouTube on it I guess until last night and I couldn't believe how many ads I saw.

Holy. Shit. YouTube has ads in the middle of fucking videos now? And then I paused and saw another ad and about lost my shit. Immediately looked up how to adblock on Android TV. Jesus it's invasive.

JSens1998 ,

Ladies and gentleman, this is why competition is desperately needed. It's only going to continue downhill from here...

glowie , avatar

And sadly the biggest competitor is Rumble and it's terrible

glukoza ,

Competition is useless, better to have federated networks and do videos for profit and find other ways to pay for content to support content creators if they need support. Block ads everywhere, work in those fields is better than calling for competition and creating competitor that will win over google and become new google.

There will be adblocker to block this also don't worry.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Allowing anyone to upload video and then serving it to anyone in the world, at no cost, is not a viable business model. There's no competition because there's no money to be made here.

JSens1998 ,

Yes, and that's where the issues lie. It will never get better because there is no competition to force Google to improve and they know that. Therefore, free reign.

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